Vote Of Thanks by
Carrole A. M. Guntley C.D., J.P.
Director General
Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment
At The Launch of the Agro-Tourism Farmers' Market,
Norman Manley Beach Park, Negril, Westmoreland
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Ladies and gentlemen,
The launch of this collaborative venture has taken the time and input of various entities, all represented here today.
With all that has been already said it is my pleasure to acknowledge the input of those who have worked assiduously towards this launch pad and even further, towards the creation of a template for implementation.
I believe those involved in this project have been exposed to the undeniable passion of Dr. Wykeham McNeill, a passion I might add, that is very infectious. However not surprisingly his colleague ministers the Honorable Roger Clarke, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and Hon. Anthony Hylton, Minister of Industry and commerce, required no coercion. Thank you Minister McNeill, Minister Clarke and all our speakers who took the time to be here this morning to mark this inaugural event.
I must also acknowledge the tremendous contribution of the Tourism Enhancement Fund. Without their funding the combined vision of our ministers would not be made so quickly into reality.
The participating entities today must be acknowledged and thanked: the Tourism Linkages Council, the Rural Agricultural Development Agency (RADA), Jamaica Hotel and Tourism Association (JHTA), Jamaica Manufacturers Association (JMA) Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC)/ Things Jamaican and the Sheffield Farmer’s Group and of course the Agro-Tourism Farmers’ market planning committee.
I understand we have some thirty five farmers who have turned out today, the craft producers, agro processors and all the team members of the ministries, agencies and participating partners supporting this activity today. To you I extend our sincere gratitude for your contribution.
Special thank you to our young performers from the Negril All Age School.
We had to seek the assistance of various service providers in the local community, for the public address system, accommodation, the logistics and grounds layout and to them all we say thank you.
And most importantly, I want to say thank you to the media for your ongoing support of the tourism sector and our various activities.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us make this a success not only in Negril, but get the word out to make this farmers’ market initiative a sustainable effort towards more Jamaicans supporting Jamaican.
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